Leadership is not about wielding authority, its about empowering people” this quote by becky brodin, sums up the Life and times of Neha Kala Perfectly well

RIHAN ANSARI(9927141966) Neha Kala DELHI - Founder and Editor of the The Red Velvet Column, Neha has had an illustrious past.. whoever said that print or magazines were going dead.. has to think again.. Print very much stays relevant in today’s world. There is something special about holding a magazine in your hand, smelling the pages… You cannot  get the depths and the colours that you would find in a magazine .. on your mobile phone or your desktop..with this in mind, Neha who is a dynamic , firebrand and charismatic leader plunged herself in the print and publishing industry.. Providing beautiful content that was lacking in today’s over crowded market, she launched two very inspiring magazines, the red velvet column, with a focus on lifestyle, luxury and grandeur and the fact teller with a focus, healing, wellness and spirituality.. . this example by itself can show you the power within Neha Kala, who is ready to shake up the print and publishing industry!! I am sure you are wanting to know more about her... well I wont keep you waiting..Born and brought up in Delhi, with an MBA education from IMT, Neha has had an illustrious career having worked with some of the best of brands, and corporate leaders through her Conviction Consulting, responsible for providing staffing, recruiting and Training services! Working with these corporate leaders has given her the necessary life lessons to understand the corporate and business world and her consultancy services come highly recommended!!There is something amazing about learning by doing things, that is learning on the job..and that is what Neha Kala has been focusing on doing.. always willing on taking up challenging projects that require her full attention span, she uses her inner creativity and wisdom to create opportunities that were not even existing earlier. Neha has always believed that working at the grass root level is what gives you a bigger picture of the world.. you cant simply see the top unless you are at the base, this has made her peoples person, being able to connect with all and has given her a beautiful way to analyse situations that is not possible for everyone, her perspective of situations is so different than what anyone could come across, this is one of the reasons for her grand success in life!! People are always amazed at the dexterity at which she handles her life and the        situations there in, one minute she could be determining the nominees for her “The Humanity Excellence Awards” the next she could be finalising content for the next    issue of her magazine, a workaholic by nature, she is always on her toes, trying to make the most out of her day, being a huge source of inspiration for people around her and her staff!!Its very rare to come across someone so young who is involved in Humanitarian       activities, but the very versatile Neha, manages to contribute to make the world a better place.. through her “We Welfare Society” which is focused on caring for children and the elderly,  she has received huge accolades for the fantastic work she has been    doing through her NGO-We Welfare Society, and at the same time impacting the lives of those connected to her NGO!!I know you are wondering how does she manage to get time to do so many things.. Neha.. has always believed that time has to be created.. we all get the required 24 hours in a day.. its how you decide to use them that matters!!! …There is so much to learn from Neha!!Neha has taken it on herself to appreciate, acknowledge, felicitate and reward all those who like her are working towards the betterment of the society and her “The Humanity Excellence Award “ is  a grand testament to the same.. held yearly these award are given to those human beings, who have worked for the benefit of mankind,  these awards are among the few in our country that appreciate those who do real good work!!! And Neha has taken it upon herself that such contributors for our society are appreciated and given due respect that they deserve!!So this sums up the Enigma that is Neha Kala, Humble, Charismatic, Passionate, with a strong determination to do something in life.. and make a huge change in todays society and at the same time impact the world and make it a better place..   and I would like to leave you with quote by Albert Einstein, which sums up Neha Kala in a few words.. “strive not be  a success, but to be of value”’